Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

First off, Happy Valentine's Day! I spent one night this week punching hearts (with my new extra-large heart punch) from scrapbook papers. I used double-stick tape to tape them onto strings of perle cotton. I think I shall hang them from the top of the bedroom door early tomorrow morning. This photo only shows about the top 2/3 of the strings.

Well, this has been a wonderful week. No, I didn't win any of the OWOH draws I'd entered. I did better. I have the very best friends!

It started off Monday night when one gave me her felting stash, having moved on to other things. Just look at this amazing pile of goodies! That started to get the juices flowing and I made some sketches, getting back to my abandoned December TIF project.

But, wait, there's more...

The next day I received the sweetest Valentine's card from Stitches of Life. The card was lumpy (always a good sign!). In it were two little baggies full of charms and beads. I tried to get them to show but they kept hiding. The top bag has some of the sweetest little hands. Just perfect for Inner Child Dolls like Pat Winter makes. There are some really cool charms in there. And look at those lovely beads on the bottom. Most came from Etsy.

Still more...Then last night I found a package on my chair. Once I saw the pomegranate stamp, I knew it had to be from Paula. It was a total and complete surprise.

Okay, imagine this was the package--only it was neatly wrapped and those fuzzy yarns tied in a lovely bow. That's what I found when I opened the package. Glowing white silk with lovely fibers. A perfect Valentine. But wait, there's more...

This is what was inside the package. Two hanks (is hanks the right word?) of wool for needlefelting. The brown is alpaca and the green sheep. The alpaca feels lovely just to cuddle. There were two skeins of mohair, and some floss. The best, though, was the amazing wool felted needlebook.

Here it is--isn't it sweet. With a coordinating bottlecap pincushion. (The floss match really well so I kept them in the photo.)

Here is the inside of the needlebook and the sweet little button closure. Paula really outdid herself on this one.

So now I'm thinking that the forces of wool are definitely calling me. Time to get back to it!

I feel awash in goodies (and hubbie hasn't chimed in yet!). I'll have to get a picture for you but today as I was passing out kiddie Valentines and chocolate kisses, a friend at work handed me a pair of chainmail earrings that she made. They are turquoise and silver and very cool. I am totally overwhelmed.

1 comment:

  1. I have always said what goes around comes around ten-fold. You are such a generous person and therefore those around you want to be generous to you!
    Happy Valentine's Day!
