Sunday, February 15, 2009

More Trees

Well, I wasn't going to post the trees again until I had it framed but when I ordered the frame from Jo-Ann's (just the frame and mat, mind you--I'll frame the embroidery myself), they said it would likely take two weeks.

I don't have that much patience. So, here it is again, this time with the background painting in place.

This is about how the mat will hit on it, just covering the edges of the drawn threads on the sides.

Posting it here has a couple of benefits for me. Seeing it here gives me a different perspective on the piece. The background comes out more in the image than I see in the actual piece. That's probably more real--when I'm looking at it, I'm focusing on the embroidery.

And, second, I hope to get from feedback on it.

Perhaps I need to add a bit more foreground to the right side. It looks a but lopsided to me but perhaps that's just me.

I'm not sure about that background. I tried to do a couple of things with it. First, I wanted an effect of some sun coming through the trees. But still making it clear that this is background and therefore more subtly colored than foreground.

Second, I, hmmm, well, painted seems an overrated word for what I did. But I did use paint. I painted in a couple of brown blobs that are supposed to be deer. I'm not sure they "work" at all.

Now adding more stitching now is possible (not simple, but possible). Adding a new or different background painting is a matter of painting one. This one is just held in place by Scotch tape right now.

So, whaddya think? Does it work? Or not?


  1. Marjorie, I found you through the comments on the Plimoth Jacket blog, because my friend Carli has worked on that project, and I like to click commenters' links to see what other people do.

    And I REALLY, REALLY enjoy your sense of design, your respect for old textiles, your interest in pattern and texture and the natural world. Thank you SO much for the gift of your blog.


  2. Marjorie, I found you through the comments on the Plimoth Jacket blog, because my friend Carli has worked on that project, and I like to click commenters' links to see what other people do.

    And I REALLY, REALLY enjoy your sense of design, your respect for old textiles, your interest in pattern and texture and the natural world. Thank you SO much for the gift of your blog.


  3. We are always critical of our own work. I think this is fabulous. Just right. The colors and the sun coming through is great. You don't want the deer to stand out too much, just kind of shadows. The embroidery is beautiful. Keep it just like it is.

  4. I clicked on the picture to enlarge & thought it looked great. I realize monitors distort & photos distort -- but, honest, I really liked what I saw.

    If YOU aren't satisfied, change it Better now to change than to be unsatisfied with your outcome

    Now, I have to get back to laundry!!! Not that I want to -- just have to

  5. i think it looks great. i know what you mean about the foreground looking lopsided because there is more stiching on the left- but i dont think it is a problem. the 'extra' stitches on the left follow the path. i think it needs to be 'off balance' to look right. my problem is i would add to the rhs and then it would look too evenly balanced and not natural. perhaps a light scattering of the french knots and detached chain(?) off to the right?
    the background is perfect - i wouldnt change a thing. and those deer look very good - not like blobs of paint at all. id leave those in.
    looking forward to seeing it framed.

  6. I think that it looks awesome just as it is!

  7. I think it looks beautiful just as it always do great work. It is a lovely piece.

  8. Hi Marj, I really like the background you made, it adds a real sense of depth to the picture. If it seems too obtrusive, you could just give it a wash (like antiquing something) to tone things down, but right now I don't think you need to.

    If you wanted to change anything, you might take a few stitches out on the left foreground. I wouldn't add anything on the right side.

    I hope you are feeling better. I've been hit hard this week with the winter blahs. Not Good!

  9. Those are the best trees I have seen stitched. It resembles the entry into my childhood forest where I would play from daylight til dusk.
