Friday, May 29, 2009

back to the real world---thud

On the last day of our trip (almost a week ago, already!), we stopped by Kent State University Museum. I'd heard about this textile treasure trove--the museum is based on costume and clothing collections--but never had a chance to get there before. It was well worth the trip and if you have a chance, stop for a visit. The museum is small--we were quite happy with the two hours we spent there and saw every exhibit (but not all in depth).

We went to see The Art of the Embroiderer. It was a stunning exhibit of embroidered clothing, that was rounded out with a video by the EGA. The clothing was from the 17th century to the 21st century and covered, Europe, the Middle East, India, Africa, South America, and Asia. I think there was one Native North American piece. The range of techniques was amazing but also I found the similarities of embroideries from disparate regions intriguing.

Our viewing of the video, which is in an adjacent room, was interrupted by a tour going through the exhibit. They had apparently never had it drummed into them that one must only whisper in a museum.

The tour also had some benefits for us, though, because we learned from the docent's comments.

They have a lovely gift shop where I got the book Court and Conquest,about the development of the costumes for an opera. I haven't taken much time with it yet. I got a tiny book, too, The Little Bodice Book. I forgot to get a photo of mine, the link is to Amazon. It's a lovely little book and even if I never make myself a fitted bodice (the book is aimed at theater costumers), I learned quite a bit from reading it.

I also found some lacy notecards. I'm a sucker for stationery and I don't often write letters now that I rely on e-mail. But I do keep buying stationery. My mother did, too (she used hers).

Finding new books is one of vacationing's pleasures. I found two treasures, Making Things and Kaaterskill Falls, at a bookshop in the Catskills. I didn't note the town or shop, sadly. We had stopped for a bathroom and break from driving--those mountain roads are tiring to drive.

Making Things is an illustrated diary and I thought it might be a nice place to note what I'm working on each day. The images are mostly of felt embroideries--right up my alley.

Kaaterskill Falls is a novel about the community near the falls--both the year-round folks and those that come down from New York City for the summers. I've just begun reading it.

After I got home, I finished up my car knitting--I added crochet borders to the mitered washcloths. The edgings are done in naturally colored cottons.

I needed to make a pit stop on the very last leg home so decided the nearest restroom was in Jo-Ann's Fabrics (fancy that). And since I had a couple of about-to-expire coupons, I used them to get Pretty Little Felts. The designs are sweet and aren't all entirely felt--they're felt with fabric and paper and other fibers. So they're all quite different and not too alike.

The little book on the cover has a metal-mesh cover with buttons sewn on and felt pages. I've enjoyed browsing it's pages.

I spent most of Sunday sleeping. I was exhausted. Monday was a holiday so I could catch up a bit. I worked on my Indiana State Day Hardanger project for my EGA chapter. All that's left to do is the back, and I've begun that, and the cutting and needleweaving on the front flap.

My first day back at work was a breeze, because I'd kept caught up while gone. And then we were slammed with some really tight fiscal-year-end deadlines that have had me scrambling and rather panicked. I have the stuff that must be done, done. But, PHEW! I'm glad it's Friday!

And that's why I haven't blogged this week or stitched much or written anyone. When I haven't been sorting faculty receipts, trying to make sense of travel receipts, nagging faculty for receipts, making sure all the "i"s are dotted and "t"s crossed, and inputting it all into a rather horrendous form (that kept bouncing me off in the middle of typing), I've been kind of just staring numbly into space, not good for much of anything.

Next week will be daunting--with all of the things I've been putting off this week. But anything will be better than the last few days!

I'm going to eat dinner now and crash.

1 comment:

  1. What a nice trip you have had and a nice collection of books for your treasure trove. Trips can be exhausting! Rest and catch up at work now.
