Friday, May 22, 2009


On Thursday, I had a strong need to get up into those mountains that were on our doorstep. First, of course, in true Hudson style, we had to go for Breakfast. We returned to Le Gamine for another delightful meal (their omelets are the best!). I took a photo of the bench chairs there. I just love the fabric. If you're ever in Hudson, NY, this is a place to try.

After stoking up we headed out to the Catskills. We were aiming to head toward Kaaterskill Falls, but I picked the wrong direction and we headed northwest rather than southwest from the Rip Van Winkle Bridge. So we decided to take a ring tour around the mountains, about a 70 mile trip. (Or it would have been, except I missed a junction and we had a nice tour of some interesting mountain villages before we realized we were heading wrong and backtracked to the right road. In the mountains, most roads go east and west, very few cross north and south.)

I took the panorama at the top from a lookout. We thought it was Five State Lookout but it may not have been. We passed a restaurant shortly after the lookout and later on we were told that was the real Five State Lookout. It was still very lovely; the photographs don't capture it at all.

We circled around on the winding mountain roads, with a few stops for views and photos. Our goal was Kaaterskill Falls, much beloved by the Hudson Valley School of artists. We thought we got there. We found the parking lot, made our way carefully at the edge of the road, with cars whizzing by around the curves, to a lovely little falls. Not spectacular but really nice.

There was a very steep, rocky path that looked like it went to the top of the falls we could see. We decided that there was no way we'd make it up that path. So we left, satisfied we'd seen Kaaterskill Falls.

As I was writing this, I looked it up to check the spelling and found this. We probably should have looked this up beforehand. Turns out we saw a prelude to Kaaterskill Falls--Bastion Falls. Oh, well, maybe I'll be up for the hike next trip.

We were happy with our excursion and headed back to Hudson to rest (the drive was only 70 miles but it was an intense 70 miles and I was exhausted from doing all of the driving).

Back at Susan's I found another fiber to photograph. I took a sample of this one--I can't wait to try it. Gala is a metallic fiber, similar to Jap gold, but sturdier. I plan to stitch with it, in addition to couching it. Ideas are simmering.

As much as I stitch on a normal basis, I find it hard to stitch when I'm away from home. I brought a simple project, but haven't touched it. I find this really odd, but it's been that way for many years. This vacation has been, in many ways, all about embroidery, just not doing it. At least not yet.

We had another wonderful dinner at Vico's (with more of their amazing fries and another "Carlo" dessert).

We left for home this morning (Friday) and headed south. If you ever want a pleasant drive, take I-80 across Pennsylvania. The road was in very nice shape and the views along the way, just spectacular. The entire drive is through the Appalachian Mountains. We drove south from Hudson to pick up I-80 and then all of the way across Pennsylvania into Ohio. It was a long day, but I think we kept going just because of the amazing views.

I was passenger today, so I really got to look. Sadly, no photos--at 65 mph with no pulloffs, I wasn't going to try.

In between oohhing and ahhing (lot of that going on this week), I finished a wash cloth and knit a second. I think I may add a white lace edging. Both were knit twice. I couldn't find the pattern on the trip out (I'd printed it on the back of something else), and I remembered it, mostly. I knit a very wonky almost teardrop shaped washcloth and decided, okay, something's wrong here. I tried again and it was better but still not right. (I forgot you need to knit a row plain between increase rows.) I ripped more than I stitched but it kept me busy while riding in the car.

In spite of the minor bumps, this has been a wonderful trip.

It's not quite over yet. Tomorrow we head to the Kent State University Museum to see "The Art of the Embroiderer" show. We may never go home!

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