Friday, December 4, 2009

Oh, My!

I completely forgot I had a giveaway going on that ended Monday! Not much interest in this one but that's okay. Alena said she really wanted the canvas and hers was the only comment so it works out. Alena--you didn't leave an e-mail address so please get in touch with me. Thanks!


  1. Hello Marjorie! Sorry, but I was so happy there were no much interest and I was checking the giveaway to be sure everybody did not see it, just me :) please drop me an e-mail to Thank you very much!!!!

  2. I just have to comment--I am so happy that Alena won the thimble canvas. I kept checking to see if anyone else entered their name in the drawing. From the looks of her collection, she really deserved to get it. Maybe she'll share a picture when she gets it done.
