Thursday, December 3, 2009


I've got a few minutes lull. Tomorrow's conference plans are almost finalized. I've been on the phone (or e-mail) all day with last minute changes, additions and snafus. On a day when I can't really talk--I came down with a bad cold this weekend.I've been organizing a conference or two (or four or five) a year for about 20 years now and I've always feared this--getting sick on the eve of an event. I'm actually doing okay. I took yesterday off and slept and the world didn't end. I think things will all happen as planned. It's all coming together. My hubby's been great and even brought me the Chinese take out I was craving yesterday (not that I could really taste it, but it hit the spot anyway!). My coworkers are amazing. I am truly blessed!It's amazing to me how focused and small my world becomes when I don't feel well. So much becomes totally irrelevant. I know it can't stay that way, but it's nice to know it can be like this for a little while, until the conference is over and I'm well again.

I finished these homey projects over the weekend, before my cold hit on Saturday afternoon. (The cold wave hit here last night and last I looked it was snowing quite prettily outside.)
On Thursday we had our Thanksgiving at the zoo (followed by a yummy taco dinner). I dragged the guys to the children's zoo to watch them feed the animals.The llamas posed for me. They were quite quizzed by the zookeeper in her holiday hat--and tried to eat it!Here are the kiddies getting ready to feed the animals. For the pigs they put the food into paper bags for the pigs to break apart. Apparently that's a big treat for them. And in a quite corner, a lovely sign of the coming holidays.

We had a busy Friday, with me completing projects. On Saturday we had our family get together. I felt fine in the morning, kind of blah during the day (and I completely forgot to take pictures--a sure sign that I was not myself!) and it hit around 3:30--I needed to be home and in bed NOW! So we headed home and I crashed. I had all of Sunday to rest, too, and laze about.

Well, my last bit is here--I have to view and approve a video to be played first thing tomorrow. Then I can go home. I have to be here at 6:30 tomorrow--yikes!


  1. Your pear pincushions look terrific. My pattern only had two sizes, so maybe they aren't exactly the same ones.

    Good luck with your conference and get better soon.

  2. Hi--I found your blog through a link on World EMbroideries, and while scrolling through, saw the picture of the pears. LOVE them!

    Is this a pattern you created, or is it one you purchased? I would so like to stitch them...

    I've bookmarked your blog for future reading...looks very interesting!
