Monday, January 25, 2010

Looking for some sun

I wrote a post on Friday night and posted it and now, today, it's gone! Vanished. No trace anywhere. I'm going to redo some of it... How annoying! (Oops, posted it to the wrong blog!)

First off, I need to say that due to the normal confusion on my part, I set the cross stitch house giveaway to end on Monday, January 26. Hmmm, well, today's Monday but it's the 25th! So I'm going to wait one more day, for those who looked at the date and not the day, before drawing the winner. I'll also have a new giveaway to post.My hubbby brought me this sunny pot holder last week. We desperately need even a hint of sun here--it's been days and days of gloom. I've hung it in our more-or-less blue and yellow kitchen and it adds a bright spot.The tea towel is completed.I've not completed three of these washcloths and used up every inch of the skein of cotton. Mostly I've been not doing too much. Slowly stitching the crewel scissors sheath, shown previously here and here. Occasionally working on the needlepoint fan. Each camellia leaf takes about an hour to stitch and the other parts of the design are similarly slow...not bad just time consuming. The leaves are a variation of or nue.


  1. You posted it on the HEG blog! I thought you didn't mean to.


  2. What a pretty pot holder! I love blue and yellow. Kathy has a lot of blue and yellow in her flat, I must take a photo and send it to you. She's done really clever stuff with some old wooden chairs someone had thrown out! they look wonderful.

    Hope you get some sun soon. (It's the same in England. This has been the longest winter I remember since I was young and time went so much slower)
