Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The winner --and new giveaway.

Sixteen people entered the drawing for the little cross stitch cottage kit--Thanks!
Random.org picked #10, which is KimB. Thanks to everyone who entered and included your contact information. That makes this so much easier to manage!
The next giveaway is a charming antique kit: Good Deeds Live Long. It's stamped cross stitch, not counted. This sampler kit comes with wooden bars for the top and bottom, so it's finished similar to a bell pull. All of the original packaging is there, if a bit tattered. There is, however, no floss.

It looks like the kind of thing you might have mailed away for in the 50s or 60s perhaps, from an ad in the back of a magazine. I've looked in my old magazines but never spotted this one, but have seen similar kits.

Please make a comment to this post before February 3 if you want to be included in the draw (random.org) for this kit. I will send it anywhere in the world. I will draw the winner on Thursday, February 4.

I do ask that you include some way for me to contact you directly. If your blog profile includes your e-mail address, direct me there--that'll work. If not, please e-mail me directly or include a spelled out or otherwise uncopyable address in your comment and I'll use that. I cannot go looking for you and if I can't reach you easily, I'm going to have to skip you and I really, really hate doing that.


  1. oh, that's an adorable sampler. I've got plenty of floss looking for a place to be stiched, so please include me in your drawing.
    wherescarol at gmail dot com

  2. Oh - I would absolutely love to make this. It reminds me of the first sampler I made when I was in elementary school in the 1960s.

  3. yummy candy!!!
    I have popped you in my sidebar in my log http://pishitejulie.blogspot.com/!! Oh fingers and toes and everything else crossed!!
    And i follow!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway Marjorie! What a joy to win!!!

  5. What a charming sampler! Please include me in your giveaway drawing. Thanks so much.


  6. I just found your blog today...please enter me in the giveaway. I love those vintage samplers!
