Friday, February 26, 2010

Girls' Day Out

We had another Girls' Day out yesterday, to celebrate N's birthday. We went to Wheaton, Illinois. I wasn't feeling wonderful, so I didn't take many photos. I don't know if it's the weather, all of the allergy testing, or what, but I've sure been achy lately. We had a wonderful day in any case. It was SUNNY! The first sun we'd had all week. We all enjoyed it.

We had lunch at the Sushi House in Wheaton and it was very good. A friend of my sister's recommended it and they were right.

We visited a lovely knit shop, Never Enough Knitting, that was small but seemed to have anything you could think of. A surprise bonus was that it was a quilt shop, too. Since the birthday girl is a knitter and my sister is a quilter...well! I found surprise treasures, too--lovely French lace for French Heirloom sewing, books on smocking, interesting threads and ribbons for embroidery. I left my purse at home but stocked up my memory in case a need for one of these items should come up!

The next stop sparked the photos. We visited Wheaton College to visit the Billy Graham Museum. The museum is pictured top, the college across the street is below.The museum wasn't a place I'd ever heard of, but my sister knew about it. Our mother liked Billy Graham. It is a lovely small museum with some very interesting exhibits, very nicely done. It's not all about Mr. Graham. They were putting up an exhibit of calligraphy. When we looked at the pictures we realized they were all words from spirituals. That sparked some memories!

The photo below shows K and N racing for the car--it was sunny but it was still cold! They weren't waiting for me to fiddle with the camera. We also visited a local Jo-Ann's for buttons and American Science and Surplus, just to show N what we've been blabbering on about for years. It's a very strange and fun place that has all sorts of odd things for sale, with odder signs about them. A very creative place. The others both found treasures.The day ended on a sad note. We keep up with extended family on Facebook and my sister found that a cousin had passed away. He had had a brain tumor, which we had just learned about a few days ago. I always thought he was much older than me, but he was only a little more than four years older. Age gaps are different when you're children--and that's when I spent the most time with my cousins.He's the sharpshooter on the left. (a big brother's on the right)


  1. What a fun day. Didn't know there was a Bill Graham museum nearby. Have to remember that one. Hope you are feeling better now. I imagine that winter allergies can be nasty.

  2. That sounds like a fun outing despite the cold. So sad to hear about your cousin.

  3. I visited Wheaton a few years ago and saw none of these places. I think maybe the town centre has come up in the world - it was in decline then. I am glad you had a lovely day but I was sad to hear about your cousin.

  4. Sounds like you had a lovely outing. Sorry about your cousin, may he rest in peace. Thanks for the link to American Science & Surplus - what a odd and unique store! I can only imagine what goodies would be in my bag if I was in the brick&mortar store!
