Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Giveaway winner! and antoher new giveaway.

I need to make the giveaway time periods shorter or my memory longer--I nearly forgot this one! This morning random.org picked number 7--The Blackwork Notebook goes to PatB. Congratulations!

The next giveaway is from Nordic Needle. The top photo is of one of their lovely freebies: an acorn design and the fabric to stitch it. The bottom photo is one of their Hardanger books, Nordic Hardanger Bands II, and a piece of linen banding. If you're into Hardanger or want to try it, this is for you.

Please make a comment to this post before the Ides of March (March 15), if you want to be included in the draw (random.org) for this package of goodies. I will send it anywhere in the world. I will draw the winner on Tuesday, March 16.

I do ask that you include some way for me to contact you directly. If your blog profile includes your e-mail address, direct me there--that'll work. If not, please e-mail me directly or include a spelled out or otherwise uncopyable address in your comment and I'll use that. I cannot go looking for you and if I can't reach you easily, I'm going to have to skip you and I really, really hate doing that.


  1. What a great giveaway. I would love to be included.

  2. please count me also in;) I would love to try hardanger
