Thursday, March 25, 2010

back to stitching!

It feels so good! I had been slowly plugging along on things but it just seemed very slow. We had a quiet weekend at home and that helped a lot. This kitchen towel had been my "carry along" project for ages (and ages). I finished it up this weekend. It's an Aunt Martha's transfer stitched with green Needle Necessities overdye and plain DMC floss in orange and gold.I found I really could only work on this white-on-white project on early weekend mornings when DH was asleep. On Saturday, though, he took off alone for some errands so I got extra time and got this finished to this step. There may be more to come but the church ladies wanted to see it at this point before deciding.I found it was fun but rather tricky to hold the hoop, the loose under thread and the extra fabric out of the way with one hand while stitching a very knotty thread with the other. I ripped a lot, mostly due to knots on the back that I didn't catch when they happened (and I caught the majority). This thread knotted with nearly every stitch. Working two handed so tension could be kept on it would have been much better. The knots did come out easily, at least.

I also took time to compare the DMC Brilliant Cutwork and Embroidery thread #16 with Floche. They look the same, really, except the floche is thinner. It's about half the diameter. While I was at it, I checked and #12 of the Brilliant Cutwork thread is about double the diameter of #16. But the sheen, twist and look of the threads are very similar.


  1. Beautiful! I love love love the cross. I wonder what the church ladies will say.

  2. Love your kitchen towel. You do such lovely work. Thanks for the info on the embroidery thread...Brilliant vs floche. Until you mentioned it awhile ago, I had never heard of floche.

    The church linen cloth is beautiful. The raised outline stitching is gorgeous.
