Friday, March 26, 2010

More stitchin'

This project is what stopped my stitching, I realized. I was doing buttonhole stitch with pale pink on the dark green fabric and I hated it. I ripped it all out and then just stopped. With a couple of weeks of thought I started in again--but in a different spot where the color of the ground showing through wouldn't bother me as much.It's moving along, finally. Since taking this photo, I've completed the three yellow petals. I've also decided to pad the pink area at the other end with pink. That should solve my problem. I'm not sure if I'm going to fuse on pink fabric or if I'll use pink felt (which may be too thick).This is another project for the YMCA, for fall classes. We'll call it "Tattoo Your Jeans" and ask students to bring in a garment (with parental permission) to embellish with embroidery. This is a WIP because I hope to add a lot more embroidery to these teeny (toddler size 2) jeans from Goodwill. This week was our last class for this session. I hope we can find more teachers so everyone gets more of a break--we're hoping to find people willing to teach four weeks (one month), and then have a few new people take over for the next month. Hopefully we can rotate and no one will get as burnt out on it as we are right now.


  1. I think I would be inclined to use a fine felt if I could find one. Or maybe even needlefelt some wool on as a first layer.. I'd be interested to know what you choose to do and how well it works.

  2. Dear Marjorie, thahks a lot for your gift!!!

  3. Nice idea to "tattoo" the jeans. ! I found a quilting contest which you might like to pass on if only to check out the winner after it has done, it is bound to be amazing.

  4. I really like the idea of needlefelting a bit of fleece. Thanks, Rachel, for the idea.
