Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Not much to say here and no new pix today. Spring has sprung! I think I have spring fever--I'm sleeping a lot and feeling lazy. It's approaching 70 today and very windy. In my morning walk I found a small patch of purple crocuses blooming in our back yard. Last weekend I passed a yard full of scilla on my way to visit my sister--the blue was intense! I've seen a rare daffodil or two, also, mostly near brick or stone (for retained warmth).

My left hand's been acting up again and I noticed last night my wrist was swollen. I switched the mouse to my right and it's improving. Not much stitching over the weekend and none at all this week.

I'm still walking mornings. The lawn with blue fabric fragments has been raked and the fragments gone--mostly. Before the raking, I began to find strips of the blue fabric all up and down the street. Even now, I'll see one or two fragments on my walk. I'm assuming the local creatures grabbed them up for nesting and dropped some along the way. I have my own little nest of collected bits of blue strip and thoughts of embroidery.

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to rest the sore arm - it would be heart-rending to have to stop embroidering..
