Friday, April 2, 2010

A winner! and a new giveaway selected #3 today, so Sham is the lucky winner of the Celtic cross stitch design. Congratulations and thanks to all who entered.

This new giveaway is something different. I found this nearly completed purse while antiquing in Minnesota a few years ago. On the same trip, I saw a completed purse in this design but a different colorway. It was a lovely purse. So I went back and bought the unfinished project.

My original thoughts when I bought the unfinished purse were mixed: I could perhaps complete it--everything is there to do so--or I could use the nice hoop and purse frame for my own projects.And there it sat. I'm stuck. Every time I look at it, I wonder about the person who began it, why it was abandoned so close to being complete, and I can't just toss the work she did. I also haven't figured out an alternative use for the completed pieces. But I also just don't see myself going ahead and completing it. So my solution is to give it to one of you.

The giveaway includes the stitched pieces, the partially stitched piece in a nice wood hoop, lining fabric (bright green), threads, and the metal purse frame for assembly. All of the needlepoint is complete on one side and the handle--just this piece has a little to finish. I'm hoping someone out there doesn't have my compulsive streak and will be able to move ahead with this piece--toss it and keep the frame, finish it and use it, or adapt the stitched pieces to something new. Leave a comment to this post and it could be yours!

Please make a comment to this post before April 12 if you want to be included in the draw ( for this kit. I will send it anywhere in the world. I will draw the winner on Wednesday, April 14.

The fine print: I do ask that you include some way for me to contact you directly. If your blog profile includes your e-mail address, direct me there--that'll work. If not, please e-mail me directly or include a spelled out or otherwise uncopyable address in your comment and I'll use that. I cannot go looking for you and if I can't reach you easily.


  1. Hi Marjorie
    If I were you I would also buy it ;) and if I should get it I would finish it for my daughter

  2. Beautiful!I definitely would like to take part!

  3. Marjorie, please put my name in the hat. Purses are my weakness. I imagine the previous owner had high hopes of using this one day.

  4. Oh it is wonderful! I am excited to be entered.Oh fingers and toes and everything else crossed!!
    Many hugs,Ukka

  5. What a fabulous find!!! I envy whoever wins this lovely work of art!! Smiles....
