Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Books, part 1

It's finally arrived: my autographed copy of the Mystery of Lewis Carroll. I'm looking forward to reading it--thanks, Jenny, for signing and sending it to me. Woo-hoo!!!I've been reading a lot again lately. I finished the other books I'd pulled out of the piles to read. This time I pulled out several crewel books. I've been browsing them a bit, picking up one and reading a bit and then picking up the other. Rather like my spotty stitching this weekend. I try to focus on one in the mornings before and during breakfast (I can't stitch weekday mornings or I'd never go to work). Most of these books are older--1960s and 70s. This is based on Winterthur collections and looks to be well researched.This one is also well researched and museum based. It focuses on design and not type of stitching and does not have many samplers nor much whitework. So far it's talking about the inspiration for designs and the practical reasons (lack of thread in the colonies) for some designs.


  1. Have you seen the book:

    The New Crewel?

    Looks interesting to me

  2. I have seen that book and did a project from it bought as a kit, for a greeting card. I like the designs, they're rather art nouveau. But they're so simple it made me think I didn't need a book for this.
