Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I finished it! It's far from perfect but I'm happy and I learned a lot.This weekend I dug into my Japanese Embroidery case and snapped a shot of progress on my piece.I was rather crestfallen when I saw it. It doesn't look like I've done anything but I have, really. Mostly I'm looking at this focusing on tiny details, not the overall. I saw a photo of this design in progress online recently and realized I need to get some more colorful flower petals done--it'll look like more then.

I also worked hard on the camellia this weekend. I have only five or nue leaves left to stitch and the last flower and stem. It now seems finishable!

I dug in a ufo bag and spent Sunday flitting from project to project, taking a few stitches, evaluating whether I'd finish them or not and, if so, what would I do with them and, if not, what would I do with them. We're having a "garage sale" at one of my guilds in June and I'm collecting.


  1. Love that thimble...hope Jane does a class for everyone. It's beautiful and so different. Your japanese embroidery is lovely also. You do the the most exquisite embroidery. Love all your projects...including the towel on the HEG site.

  2. Large projects always go through a phase when they seem not to be progressing. I get through that phase by simply refusing to look at the whole thing at once!
    Then suddenly the thing flips and it seems finishable.

  3. Thanks, Rachel: you're exactly right. That's what happened with the Camellia, too.

  4. Thanks for mentioning my book. HOpe you enjoy it. the embroidery looks beautiful
