Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring is here!

I got up early Easter morning and colored some eggs to take to my sister's for our holiday dinner. We had our usual eclectic, potluck affair with good food and conversations. The weather was mostly nice and we sat on the porch overlooking the river.I took the camera on my morning walk to capture signs of spring. This is a lawn covered in scilla.Our evergreen bushes by the front door are making little ball-like seeds. Tiny ornaments.
It was cloudy off and on Sunday, with some good storms in the evening. The trees are really budding out.The rhubarb is no longer hot-pink shoots but is leafing out quite nicely. I'd hoped to get some pictures of our crocuses--they were lovely shades of purple with bright yellow or orange stamens, but the hot weather last week did them in. It rained most of Saturday. I got a lot done around the house, including some quality stitching time. Hubby watched beach-blanket movies with Annette Funicello all day. We'd never seen them before (and now I know why). They just got more ridiculous as time went on.


  1. What wonderful colors on your Easter eggs. Mine were always kind of insipid.

  2. What pretty eggs. Lovely colours, like Spring flowers.

    I'm so glad Spring is on the way after a very hard and seemingly endless winter....
