Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Busy, busy

This is my busy time at work (conferences driving me wacky!) and also at home (I teach the crewel chatelaine in my header in July and I have to have several projects done, designed or ready to teach in September and October. I'm feeling both overwhelmed and charged up! I was very busy this weekend.Done, finished this weekend. Before I photographed it, one flower felt "enough." Now that I've seen the pix, I'm thinkin' it may not be quite done. I have three more flower centers begun and if I ever get home tonight, hope to get them completed and on so this can get into the mail.I got this kit from Fiber on a Whim. It was one of Make-It University's projects but I wasn't there to take the class so I just got the kit. (Lelia took the class--you can see her finished needlebook here, much more artfully photographed than mine.)It is layers of fabric, ephemera, fiber, and paper and Mistyfuse. I did some machine and a little hand embroidery on mine. It was quick fun and for a while I felt creative rather than frantic!


  1. Great bag! Isn't felting fun?

  2. Your mixed media NB is fantastic! Love the pink : ) I think Karol picked out a pink 'kit' too --- you did an outstanding job
