Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kid Art

Okay, I love kid art. I think it's absolutely the greatest thing. This exhibit was at Lubeznik Gallery in Michigan City, Indiana. I can't tell you to go see it, it's gone (with a new one going up of kid art from homeschooled children--we'll be there).This is what you saw as you entered the gallery. I was just gobsmacked!It gives me hope. Not only that some schools are managing to keep art programs going but that they include textiles. There was embroidery and weaving here.These faces just blew me away.My photos just capture a small portion of the explosion of creativity and color the gallery rooms held.I love these hats.Inspired.


  1. That is inspiring and encouraging! So often during crunch times, art and music are the first to go. Nevermind that is also where some kids really blossom......

  2. Art was my favourite at school. I think it's essential. I always love work that artists do with kids in school. And kids sometimes do art projects in public spaces. A couple of weeks ago we found a little London park with many mosaics local kids had made with chips of broken crockery. Wonderful animals, and strange creatures...

  3. Very nice stuff - I love the paper flowers, and the textiles too, of course! Art was my absolutely favorite subject in school - and I'm glad, too, that art programs are still alive and kicking. It's an important part of a kid's formation, that's for sure!
