Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Working late

I've been working 10-12 hour days, at work last week and at work and not this week. Last week I ran a conference at work. A second is in the works for a couple of weeks from now. A third looming.

This week I'm spending the middles of my days studying Japanese Embroidery (yes, right here in Chicago!) and the rest of the time I'm working. I'm getting quite tired but it's worth it. (there's room in a Japanese Embroidery "taster" class this coming weekend. Let me know if you're interested.)

Last Monday (the 10th) I learned to make Aunt Philly's toothbrush mats. My completed hot mats are shown above. You use strips of fabric and a buttonhole stitch with a large plastic needle. I can remember Aunt Addie making these in the 70s--and I can remember me being scornful of the "crafty" project. Aunt Addie made exquisite tatting and I couldn't see why she'd waste her time on these mats. Now I know. It's relaxing, fun and, ultimately, useful. I'm coming to appreciate brainless projects as I'm doing more demanding embroideries.As a treat for all of this hard work, I used a Jo-Ann's gift certificate and bought myself a couple of books. This is one. More on them tomorrow.


  1. Your toothbrush mat is so kewl!!! where did you learn? I think I saw the 'needle' at Ericas in South Bend - but I wasn't sure what it was for. Do the patterns have instructions?

    I saw Jane's too - very kewl, I'm green with envy - i love that sort of stuff. I can see how fun it would be to try & set the fiddlie stuff aside for a break : )

    enjoy the day!

  2. Brainless - or at least easy and repetitive - projects make a great counterbalance for the big stuff, and they are particularly good for helping to control the fidgetss!
