Wednesday, May 19, 2010

New Books

I spied this book and thought I'd get it to glean ideas for teaching needlework to beginners. I'm glad I did. I has clear basic instructions and techniques but also some lovely designs that have me itchin' to stitch!I love the basics section--how to pull out a strand of floss, how to thread a needle, how to begin stitching. It's from Leisure Arts and Kooler Design Studio.The designs are very nice. And I was quite pleased to see several bookmarks I can use for the EGA bookmark challenge we're doing.I've been eyeing this book since it came out. I already have several of Judith Baker Montano's books and didn't want to repeat what I already have. While this book covers some of the same ground, it does it with new text and graphics that touch on different aspects.It's a feast for the eyes with lovely color graphics throughout. It's also got a handy open-out-flat spiral binding.Each chapter includes tools and techniques with projects and displays of works by Judith and by her students, which adds variety.There is lots of inspiration here (there are photo spreads of windows and doors that are just wonderful.)There is serious discussion of design, technique, color, and using the computer to enhance your work. Judith uses her own photos in her works and she tells you how to do so, too.So far I've been too whacked at night to do much more than browse the colorful pages. I can't wait to have time to be able to get down to trying some of her ideas. (October, maybe)

1 comment:

  1. I hope you manage to get to this before October, but I know what it is like to be to tired to do more than look!
