Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I don't have anything to show at all this week! I have been doing a bit of crochet but there's nothing to be seen yet. In addition to being tired from the conference, the weather and stress, most likely, have caused my vertigo to pop up again. I'm fine if I sit and don't move my head. It's not a bad bout (I've had it where I cannot move at all without severe nausea), and I think if the weather cooperates, it will fade soon. (keep your fingers crossed)

I've had good news about a friend--her breast cancer surgery went well and she won't need chemo or radiation!I'm also off for a long weekend come Thursday. My aunt will be turning 90 and my sister and I are heading out to the Party! I'm really exited about seeing the family. I will not be bringing the computer.

So, posting is going to be sparse to nonexistent this week into next. I do have a couple of cool links. Other people are posting very nice things!

Jessica on Zakka Life has a cool tutorial on how to make a Picnic Blanket Tote.

Tricia from Thistle Threads has a great new newsletter all about the very small companies who make the wonderful threads and fabrics that make us so very happy. I visited one of these companies, Benton and Johnson, on my first trip to London and I'll never forget the amazing things I saw there. You can sign up for the newsletter here. The newsletter doesn't appear to be on the webpage (although other cool things are), but if you send me your e-mail address, I'll forward it to you. I really enjoy her blog.

Kathy from The Unbroken Thread has been guest blogging on Mary Corbet's blog about designing an embroidery project from Italian pottery. This is a new blog for me and I'm enjoying it.

I've been doing some browsing (not buying yet) over on This and That from Japan on Etsy. I love their fabrics. And books.

At Painted Threads, Judy has been providing links to a series of really interesting tutorials (and posted one herself).



  1. Hope the dizzy clears up and that the trip is fun!

  2. i could probably order some of those books for you if you wanted.
