Saturday, June 19, 2010

I'm not doing any stitching at all right now. I'm in the midst of a conference and it's keeping me busy. I am getting in my short walk most mornings and things are blooming all over! So here's a garden tour. These photos were taken on June 13th. I'm not sure what the flowers above are. we have a few clumps of them.This is spider wort--like we saw at the Dunes, only this is a back-yard surprise. A neighbor has some and seeds must have blown over. We're pretty happy.My herb pots are doing good. I never let if flower but I decided to this year and see what happens. The pot has thyme and sage. On the ground to the right is oregano. We have tons of oregano plants--if you're in the Chicago area and want some, I'd be happy to share.Here's the volunteer dill, doing well. It usually gets Monarch butterfly caterpillars but it's still early. We grow the dill mostly for the butterflies, although I like it in salads, too.These are our favorites, gallardia. Now they only bloom out back in the alley. It used to be they were all up front. These day lilies are at the side of the house.I just love these yellow flowers.

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