Saturday, July 17, 2010


We received bounty from my brother and sister-in-law's garden. Zucchini and yellow squash, broccoli, and onions all went into Sunday night's dinner. One of the squash had this lovely blossom. We still have a bit more, green beans, basil and tender lettuce.These are some gifts my niece brought back from Japan for me. I love these clever designs with toothpicks. When I was in college, I always had a pair of chopsticks in my car glove box, for when I "had to" make a mad dash to Chinatown. The larger paper is a very cool way to store them. The toothpick wraps are charming origami.I believe the embroideries are meant to be used as coasters. They're far to pretty. I'll figure out something else or just enjoy them as I am right now.Another view of the squash blossom. What my photographs didn't capture was it's translucence and fragility. It looks rather sturdy here. I think I shall have to plant squash next year.

1 comment:

  1. I thought I posted here. I wanted to say that I agree about the look of squash/pumpkin flowers. Another thing that looks very pretty is carrot flowers. I left a couple of carrots in last year and they grew up and became beautiful feathery plants. Fields of potato plants also shimmer a wonderful mauve. My red and white bean plants are pretty... we underestimate vegetables!
