Friday, July 16, 2010


Well, not really, still. Long work hours and stress are taking their toll. The week-long conference is next week. Still plenty to do. And I'm working on the next one, for September I keep thinking, this is not my "real" work, not what I need to be doing. I need to be doing annual reports and writing grants. Maybe the week after next. I think I've survived fiscal year end, something to be proud of!

I spent many long hours last weekend vegging out to a Dr. Who marathon on tv (thanks to hubby who spotted it on Saturday). It was all the 1oth Doctor, David Tennant. All of the many episodes we saw were new to me--our local station runs Dr. Who too late at night for me to watch. It was just great. (can you believe it--Dr. Who and profiteroles in the same weekend!)So, while I was sitting there, I spent hours cutting up sequin waste into bits and shapes. My explorations were based on an article from Stitch magazine last fall. I plan to come up with some viable designs and use them for ornaments to teach at the YMCA in November. I'm not happy with my ornament, but I do like the bookmark. I think I need to find a happy medium between no stitch and too much.And I'm crocheting away on my second tote to be felted. It's gotten to the strange lumpy shape stage. I was rather anxious about the first one when it hit this stage, but it turned out fine, so I'm calmer now. It keeps my hands busy and lets my brain disengage. I do a row or two a night.


  1. Hi, this is Amy from the YMCA. I can't wait for the Y class to start again! I am not confident enough to do projects on my own. I need more instruction. I would also like to learn to crochet those bags you have been making!!

  2. Inspiration and impetus come and go like the tides. Yours will be back!

  3. Dr Who hoo!
    sidney and Arthur would join in this, for sure!
