Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Haven't even picked up a needle lately...

I've gone from working long hours trying to clear out the mess of conference-related paperwork to having a draggy cold/sore throat and not wanting to work at all (so far I have been coming in). I didn't even get close to stitching last weekend. My walks have been very sporadic lately, too. That doesn't mean I didn't have fun, though. My family threw a birthday party for me...not a surprise but there were surprises. A big "0" birthday is coming up soon.We held it in a pavilion in the park at the end of my street--very close to home and handy. This is my sister-in-law, husband and brother setting things up.My family brought photo albums and things I'd stitched for them through the years.Of course, we had loads of goodies. My brother made the angel food cake from scratch (11 egg whites). It's my favorite. They also brought raspberries and blueberries and whipped cream for toppings. Friends who came also brought goodies--yum!And my brother-in-law serenaded us--I hope the neighbors like bagpipes as much as I do! (this is also an example of why you need to pay attention to the background when taking photos! My sister was taking pix of the family-piper, too, and I hope hers are framed better!)

The piper was also the official photo-taker and hopefully I'll have more (and better) photos soon.


  1. Looks like a fab party, what a lovely thought for your family to have brought all your stitched pieces with them, very sweet. Hope you lose the cold soon :D

  2. How lovely of your family to put all that time and effort into the party. And 11 egg whites! wow... that is real devotion! :)

    Hope you feel better soon.

  3. Love the background in the pix of the family piper, Marj
