Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Under the weather

And this is some weather to be under! It's very hot and humid here (and everywhere, it seems, unless it's flooding! My, oh, my!) First I got a summer cold and then I got strep throat on top of it. I'm fine, just tired. I sat last weekend and worked on finishing up bookmarks. I have ten done now. Here are four more sequined ones. I finished up the other six with a tassel and ribbon backing, too.At my recent birthday party, my sister-in-law gave me this lovely wool shrug. We didn't think to take a photo with me wearing it. (when I get one, I'll post it) It's gorgeous. The yarn in person is just wonderful (two yarns, actually, held together throughout). There are two elbow-length sleeves and a lacy edge all around. I'm always amazed by her knitting! Thanks!


  1. Beautiful Shrug. The colors are great. I admire people that can knit and other talents I don't have:)

  2. Ooooh I love the color of that shrug. it looks so comfy.

    A belated happy Birthday. It looks like you had a good one.

    I hope you are feeling better soon. I know I am fighting the summer cold something feirce. Still have the sore throst but so far the cold part is staying away. :)

    I hope things settle down so you can get some stitching in soon.
