Wednesday, August 18, 2010

More Birthday

In spite of my cold, I had in plenty of birthday fun. It was great to see everyone and I was amazed by the wonderful Facebook wishes. I don't use it much and I was blown away! In spite of my "no gifts" rule, I received a pile of really caring and lovely gifts. Thanks, everyone, for making it so much fun.

I want to share a few special gifts. Hubby treated me to a lovely Indian dinner with loads of leftovers for lunches! One friend gave me a lovely memory. Since it happens to also be one of my favorites, it was really cool to hear read her telling of it.
Another friend made this lovely picture for me from pressed flowers from her garden. Isn't it gorgeous? I have pressed petals over the years, mostly violets from our yard, but I've never figured out what to do with them or how to do it. This has me inspired to try myself.And a sweet friend made me this lovely pendant from beach glass (green glass, it doesn't show up well in the photo--it's translucent when held up to the light) that she collected on the Lake Michigan shore. I will wear it often.


  1. What nice gifts, and what a great memory - I really like that. Talk about a small world.... :)

  2. Wonderful gifts! It is nice that they were made for you.

  3. What lovely thoughtful gifts. That makes them more special.

    A belated happy Birthday to you!
