Thursday, August 19, 2010

Neverending birthday

I think I'm just going to keep this birthday stuff going. I'm having fun here. Perhaps I can make it last all month!

I got some gifts from friends that are needlework or stitch related. Some are unusual and I thought you might be interested. I have a good friend who always finds the most amazing things to send.

Durham quilting is whole-cloth quilting done on satin or sateen from the far north of England, on the border of Scotland. The book begins with the life story of the author and I was immediately drawn in. There are large and small projects. The kit on the left is Networks by Barbara Frey. I'd never heard of it or her. She layers embroidery and colored netting to give the illusion of complexity and depth in nature pictures. I half wish the photo was better and half think it will be fun to experiment on my own and not have a picture to follow. The instructions look to be very clear. Next is a piece of vintage black-gold fabric from my friend's mother's stash. And last are some really yummy dark chocolate ginger patties. Oh, my, they're good. A nice variety of interesting fibers from a guild friend. I need more time!Yesterday I received this wonderful book in the mail. I love Country Bumpkin publications and I'd been dithering over this one. I have a baby blanket that was mine when I was a baby and I keep thinking that I'd like to add some embroidery to it (it's off-white wool with a satin binding).This is one design that really appeals to me for my blanket. It's all Appleton Crewel wool, which also makes it doable. Now I just need to find more time. I hope you've enjoyed sharing the revels.

I have been stitching, I just can't show it. I completed a project to teach at Homewood Guild next year. The "great reveal" will be in September and I'll post it then.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful gifts! I'm with you -- drag the birthday out as long as you can. LOL
