Tuesday, September 21, 2010

500th Post!!

Well, I've never been able to catch anniversaries for the blog, but I did notice this one last week. Of course, what do you do for a blog milestone? Have a give away!I got busy over the weekend and made these acorn necklaces. I'm going to give away five--there's one for each 100 posts. They are real acorn tops. The "nuts" are felted wool. Hubby drilled the holes in the caps for the bamboo-fiber cords and I coated each top with a protective sealant and assembled everything. It was sooo hard to wait for the felt balls to dry (they're both needle and wet felted).

I'll pick five winners from the comments to this post. I'll mail the necklace anywhere. Please make sure I have a way to reach you if you win--an e-mail address or a blog with an e-mail in the profile. If you specify a color, I'll try to accommodate you. I'll draw a winner on Tuesday, October 5th.

I want to thank everyone who takes the time to read my blog. I know that having it has spurred me to stay busy and push ahead, sometimes just so I'll have something to post. I need that nudge more often than I should. Thanks, too, to everyone who comments. It's a nice to be part of this community.


  1. I really like the blue one...

  2. Marjorie: they look terrific! I'll put up a post to share the news : )
    Always, L.

  3. I think I like the bottom gold one.

  4. The orangey-brown one I think. Although they all look like fun!

  5. Aren't these the cutest! I love them all, if I win just pick one for me.

  6. How cute! Congratulations on your milestone post.

  7. Would love to win one of your acorns. Robert Kent, in northern Iowa. (rjkent at netamumail dot com)

  8. Oh my goodness! Those are just the cutest things and the cleverest idea ever!!! I would love the bottom one, or maybe the green one . . . or any of them!

  9. these are cute, like Hannah's people.

  10. Those are adorable!! I love the gold or green one!! Nice job! Here's to many more milestones!!

  11. Aren't those cute! I would be happy with any of them -- very clever idea using the actual acorn tops.

    Jane S.
    janers41 at yahoo dot com

  12. Oh Marjorie, these take me back to our adventures over the years-- you would drive and I'd start playing with the acorns you kept in the little well in the car's passenger door. You'd always remind me not to break them. Do you still have them?

    Congratulations on 500 posts!

    Can't wait to see you in November. Our fall is well underway after a hot, dry summer; tonight I had dinner outside under the trees until I grew tired of being pelted with acorns.

  13. You are so very imaginative! The idea of combining nature is such a way intrigues me. All the colors are lovely, tho I might like the burnt orange acorn. I will subscribe to the feed for your blog now. Thanks very much.

  14. Those acorns are too cute! Would love to have one of the five! Fall is my fave season, and I would be faithful at pulling these out every year! :)

  15. O my gosh...I love these...and I actually need two for an applique project. Please enter my name in the draw. If i am not a lucky winner is there any way I can order two of those cute little acorns? Thanks

  16. Hi!!! I saw found your giveawway on google and would like to enter. I have been searching for acorns in San Diego, but have found none. I am so happy to have found your site!!! I plan to be Wendy from Peter Pan for Halloween. I would like the blue one if I win, and please contact me ASAP at princesskairi333@yahoo.com. Thank you!!!

  17. They are beautiful!
    I'd love any fall-coloured ones.
    pippirose59 at gmail dot com

  18. I congratulate:) I Love your blog, and acorns as!!!
    I trust in the good luck!!!
    Yours faithfully, Lena... Sometimes TereZa, Moscow, Russia
