Saturday, September 18, 2010

Busy, busy

It always seems that when I'm busiest, I pick up a new project to do. This half doll and pattern were in the pile of things I tried to sell at June's guild sale and August's House of Stitches sale-- they didn't sell. Then I bought all that lovely perle cotton. And then I found a piece of linen in my stash that went with the colors of the doll.
And found I had a lovely little box to keep it all in. And away I went. Part of my problem had been that I didn't like the verse, so I charted a new one.
Each year Deep River County Park shares a pattern for a quilt square and then collects completed squares for a quilt they make. This year it's a bumble bee quilt square. Here are my fabrics, all washed, pressed and ready to be marked and cut out. I got the pieces cut out later on and they're in a baggie with a spool of thread, waiting for me to have some time and energy. If you want to make this square, below is the submission form for Deep River County Park in Indiana.The pattern page below should measure 8-1/2 x 11. If you go to print from here and it's not the correct size, e-mail me and I'll send you the .jpg directly.I also spent a lot of time working to get ready for upcoming shows. Last Saturday I went to the "Quilts from Grandma's Clothesline" show by Pieces 'n Patches quilt guild in Steger, IL. (I never made it down to the Renegade Crafts Fair.) The quilt show was lovely and in one of their shops I found a white Clover marking pen. It's amazing. You can see above the lovely fine white line it made as I traced acorns to teach needlework (backstitch) at our upcoming show.It's startling because the line starts our nearly clear and then gets whiter as it dries. The instructions say it comes out when washed or ironed. It's fine enough, though, that it's easily covered in stitching. I made the darker tracings with a fine brown Sharpie.I also began prepping materials for a class I'll teach at the Great Lakes Regional meeting on Oct. 2d. I cut more (endless) needlebook covers and wool-felt inserts.

Today (September 18) is our 34th Wedding Anniversary. We don't have plans now but do have tickets to see B.B. King in January at the Paramount in Aurora. I am sooo excited.

And my next post will be my 500th post! I'm trying to think of something fun to do to celebrate. If you have any ideas, let me know. Right now I'm blank (so there might be a lag before the next post while I wrack my brain!) . I sure do talk a lot.

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