Wednesday, September 8, 2010

End of Summer

It's feeling like Autumn here...cooler, with later mornings and early sunsets. It's only September so I expect more hot days, but the season is changing. The weather was gorgeous last weekend and we did get out. We visited Brauer Museum of Art at Valparaiso University on Saturday. The shows were wonderful. We went over to Hammond Marina on Sunday to enjoy the lake. We took some country drives, antiqued a bit in Crown Point (more later on that) and stopped in at Borders (disappointing).

Mostly I worked on my Summer challenge project for Homewood Guild next week. I'll show it off next week after our meeting.These lovely tomatoes are from Cousin John's garden (the big ones) and our own garden (the little ones). We've been admiring John's tomatoes for a few days as they ripen beautifully.The green pepper here is also from Cousin John. The others are store bought. I just love the colors. They're sliced now, ready for a dinner I'm going to tonight for my water aerobics group. Yum!

1 comment:

  1. wouldn't those peppers make a beautiful embroidery!!!! God, I just love the garden!!! lovely photos!
