Thursday, September 9, 2010

Old stuff

We used to go to antiques shops all of the time. Now we rarely do. But Hubby had been out with a friend last week and spotted a book that lingered on his mind, so we went back to get it. While there I found a big bag of sewing goodies that I had to get.There were several needlebooks. Two prickers to transfer patterns. Four spools of silk thread. Some pearl buttons and thimbles. Later on, looking more carefully, I spotted a spool of 100% linen thread and several spools of heavy buttonhole twist. I packaged up my goodies and then gave away the things I wasn't as interested in Monday night at Guild.I also picked up these doilies. I had thought to perhaps make needlebooks or doll skirts from them. I'm not sure. I love small round doilies and the price was right. The lace on the bottom one is lovely. My treasure is this handkerchief. It's hand embroidered. So fine that the first time I took photos of it to post, I took them of the back side by mistake. This is a detail of the front. Just exquisite. And here's a close up of the back.It has some staining and I'm going to try washing it. Below is an overall view--from the back.

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