Friday, October 15, 2010

Girlz Day Out!

And high time, too--it's been ages and ages!The day was not too cool, but not quite warm either. The morning was cloudy and we worried a bit, but decided the sun would come out after lunch. It did.We met at my sister's and sat at the kitchen table and chatted and showed and told what we've been working on and then we went to Cantigny for lunch and a garden walk. This is Le Jardin restaurant in the park.

Cantigny was the estate of Robert R. McCormick, editor and publisher of the Chicago Tribune. It includes his home and estates. There are two musems, on about McCormick and one focusing on WWI and the First Divison (with a tank "garden"), which we did not look at this trip. We needed to be outside.

This is the view from our lunch table--this is the starting edge of the gardens.
There are a number of gardens to stroll through, including a inspiring "idea garden." I was astounded to see the rose garden still in bloom. The photo at the top of this posting is a distance shot of the rock garden.

I took several photos. I've decided to space them out and share them over the next week. It was so nice to see all of the blooming plants and colors. I know this lovely weather can't hold out forever and the trees here are already loosing their leaves. (I hope it does a bit longer--my bruised toe is much happier in open sandals than in shoes. It rarely hurts but I'm generally aware of it and it bleeds a bit in shoes.)

1 comment:

  1. Hey GF, I 'borrowed' your Stitching Post image - it was better than mine & used it on the NANI blog.

    Better image, maybe ppl can actually read it now.
