Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A bit of progress

The catalpa tree is in full glorious bloom. I actually took this photo a couple of years ago--it's hard to get the light right to take a good photo of the white orchid-like blooms against the dark leaves.Here's the bit-by-bit progress on the knit entrelac bag to be felted. The white is the set up for the entrelac row. (The bag is upside down, begun at the top, moving toward the bottom.)And here's where I am on the London quilt. Working on it intensely was what irritated my hand so and I've set it aside for now. It changes as you stitch the hexagons and remove the papers. I'm thinking about transferring the pattern to muslin and stitching the hexagons to the muslin to provide a bit more stability (right now the pattern is on newsprint). I ripped out quite a few of the smaller hexagons--once I linked them up to the larger ones, the smaller ones shifted and were not following the river pattern. I find taking photos of works in progress helps with the designing--especially if I desaturate them and view the image in black and white.

1 comment:

  1. You've often talked of this catalpa tree and I have seen them here but not as beautiful as this.
