Thursday, June 16, 2011

More opportunities for stitching/viewing

Lelia over at Flying Fingers Plus keeps up a very steady flow of information about local (Chicago area, northwest Indiana, into north central Indiana and beyond). My personal list (most of which have or will appear on Flying Fingers Plus) is below.

Tulip Slip
Copyright Tricia Wilson Nguyen for Thistle Threads, 2010
Stitched by Kris Andrews
Kit Information
Thistle Threads is attempting to help raise $5000 to fill a budget gap for a new
exhibition being organized by Winterthur

With Cunning Needle: Four Centuries of Embroidery.
(It will run from September 3, 2011 – January 8, 2012 )

Tricia Wilson Nguyen, Thistle Threads designed this Tulip Slip based on a privately owned antique and has made up a kit for sale. $10.00 of the cost of each kit is being donated to Winterthur. There will also be a finishing kit, to applique the slip onto a velvet pillow, proceeds from that will also go toward the Winterthur exhibit.

I had seen this on The Embroiderer's Story blog and thought it is a wonderful opportunity to help a worthy cause and also have some stitching fun.
Next Friday, June 24, I'm going with World Embroideries to the Midwest Fiber and Folk Art Fair. Once there, we'll meet with my sister and sister-in-law for a day of fiber goodness. I've never been there, but friends have and it sounds wonderful. Fibers, music, animals, and shopping. They also offer a robust schedule of classes.If you're a member of the Embroiderer's Guild of America and belong to a chapter in the Great Lakes Region, the region has just posted the list of Group Correspondence Courses it is sponsoring for 2012. You can find it here. If you're not in the GLR, check with your region to see if they have a similar program. It's great fun.

1 comment:

  1. Thx for the heads up on the fiber festival - I've not been to one. not sure what to expect (If I can get over there).

    Just home from Tatting Workshop in Illinois. Learned how to add beads in five different ways to tatting patterns. It is incredible. Tomorrow, Bobbin Lace Class.

    Thx! Delighted to be noticed, I do try to find events + exhibits I think our needlework friends would enjoy.

    And, your blog is exceptional. Not only do you make it to all the festivals, you put your inspirations to work + create some awesome pieces.

    I do have a stack of posts lined up. Your contributions are always welcome!
