Friday, June 17, 2011

Crewel Friday

My order arrived with the threads for the main project that is part of the EGA ICC in Crewel. I added them to the threads I'd pulled from my stash. I'm using the teacher's recommended colors after reviewing the colors that were in use in the 17th Century and that could be dyed from the available natural dyes. I didn't see where I could improve on Judy Jeroy's choices (which surprised me--I'm always changing things like this). Follow the link above to see the design--again, I'm using the recommended design. I cut my ground fabric for the project and plan to transfer the design when I get a chance and a quiet length of time to concentrate on it.

While I'm waiting for comments on step 1, I've picked up a UFO, last shown here.I stitched to previous designs by this designer (Loraine's of Capri), but this one gave me fits. (You can see the others here.) I do, however, see improvement in my stitching since last December. Part of my problem with this project was that I did not like the dark fabric showing through in areas using lighter threads. I decided I was okay with the yellow but not in the pink and I ended up stitching pink felt to the ground before stitching over it. I'm much happier. I accomplished a lot last weekend completing the purple flowers, some stems and leaves.


  1. That's pretty and looks quite traditional. I didn't know the fabric showed through in crewel.

  2. Did you notice EGA HQ is selling off duplicats from their library? There are some crewel books listed. Not sure if you are interested; however, link is here:

    I picked up an Anchor Manual of Needlework for about five bucks. It had a lot of vintage tatting patterns + other interesting needlework.

  3. I love the design you'll be stitching - the little stag at the bottom is gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing how it works up.
