Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Felt pastries and DMC Mentor

Last weekend I ran a conference at work. Some years I do many, this year just one, which is a nice break. I've learned I can't do any serious work while the conference is going on--I can pop up to my office and check e-mail and perhaps fill out some forms by hand, but that's it. Mostly I'm running hither and yon with conference things, with odd stretches just sitting and waiting for the next break.

So I bring a small pick-up-and-put-down stitching project to work on. This time I brought the kits for felt Japanese pastries my niece sent, originally shown here. Here are two of the three completed and hanging on my office file cabinet. They were fun and it's nice to have something to show for the long days.

I finished the third last night but haven't had a chance to get a photo of it yet. I want to get a better photo of them all, hopefully showing off the yummy (felt) bean paste in the pancakes.Several months ago I signed up for the DMC Mentor program. A couple of us who teach at the YMCA did, thinking we could use the promised kits for teaching there. I had forgotten about it when this arrived in my mailbox. A shiny folder with a really cool pin (which would not photograph at all).And stuffed full of goodies. Four ladybug kits that will be good for our kids at the Y to do next fall when we start up again. Plus a folder with several more advanced designs to use. It's quite a nice set of materials and makes me feel professional--business cards and all!

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