Tuesday, September 27, 2011


This is pretty much it for fiber content this week.  I've been mostly working on a guild mystery project I can't show yet.  This sweet flower was a kit in the Molly Makes magazine I bought a couple of months ago.  It's cute and I have absolutely no idea what to do with it.
This weekend I attended the Embroiderer's Guild of America Great Lakes Region board meetings--two of them, the executive and the general. I don't vote which means I don't have much to do so I knitted.  The meetings were in Indianapolis so hubby went with and we stayed with our niece and her husband. It was great (the visit, not necessarily the meetings). I really enjoyed getting to know them better. The cool gate above is the entry to their sublet condo.
This rose is one of the last. I don't have any more pictures because it rained all weekend. It's still raining, for that matter.  I saw the most amazing rainbows during my commute to work yesterday. One was a big, bright full arc.  Amazing!

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