Thursday, September 22, 2011


No crewel to show this week. I'm starting to write my paper. I'm still in the "what goes where" sorting stage, trying to figure out what I want to say and what I have to say. Gathering my illustrations and organizing them in the document. I'll send it to the instructor once I have some bones in place. The fleshing out will, hopefully, come later.  I should have kept better track of where I read what.
I've been knitting on the leaf shawl and have three repeats done now. Four to go.  I noticed that my tension loosened considerably after I had completed the first repeat. Oh, well.  I have written the pattern in a notebook so I can flip pages as I go along so starting and stopping is painless.
I've made progress, too, on the chemo cap. It's very soft and will be nice.  It's my doctor's office project these days. More of that to come in the next weeks, so more progress on the cap.  Since it's just knit (and knit and knit) it's easy to put down and pick up. 

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