Thursday, December 15, 2011

Crewel Friday

Wow! it's been a long time.  I've been working a bit here and there.  I've completed the central motif and begun the acorns on the left.  They're fun but the dense French knots take forever. 

That also held me up with the central motif--the solid knotted area (dark gray green with a red "vein" down the center.

I have to get back to some Christmas making now.  Once I start on this, I don't want to stop.


  1. Your work is coming along beautifully. I can understand that you don't want to stop working on this piece. I'm working on a crazy quilt bear and that is all I want to do but I have Christmas gifts to finish so my bear must wait.

  2. It's going really well. I can quite imagine that you would be reluctant to stop!

  3. I can see why it's so tempting to keep stitchin - it's coming along really well and I love the acorns!
