Monday, December 19, 2011

Little Traveler

Last weekend was a perfect preholiday weekend.  On Friday my sister and sister-in-law and I got together to enjoy holiday decorations.  We went to the Little Traveler for lunch and browsing.
We ate first and then browsed the many shops in this renovated mansion.  Each room has something different, from furniture and clothing to wine and chocolate, and it's easy to get lost amongst the winding rooms (I think it's two or more houses linked together--it seems endless). Many of the items are from small companies and are definitely not what you'd find in any department store. This was one or our mom's favorite places, so there was nostalgia amongst the holiday glitter. 

And glitter it is--The Little Traveler really goes all out for the holidays. In addition to rooms of holiday greenery and ornaments and under-the-tree villages, all of the rooms were also full of holiday decor, clothing, cards and all were beautifully decorated.

Afterward we ran some errands and picked up odds and ends needed for getting the holidays together. Then we sat around the dining room table and talked (and ate fresh-from-the-oven spice cookies).

It was a really fun day.

I was whacked on Saturday and lazy. I started leek-potato soup and roasted chickens for dinner. We did laundry. I worked on Christmas gifts.  Read a bit--the new Diana Gabaldon Lord John Grey book. We watched A Christmas Carol (the 1951 version with Alastair Sim). 

Sunday was more of the same. I made tacos for dinner, worked on Christmas gifts (one down, two more to go). On Sunday we watched A Christmas Carol (the 1938 version this time, with Reginald Owen).  It was relaxing and fun and full of holiday spirit.

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