Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I've been working on either some longer-term projects or guild projects I can't show yet. Last weekend I really felt the need to finish something, so I completed some smaller and quick projects for that instant gratification.  It felt so good!
This cross stitch was a holiday gift, a kit from DMC with scented floss. The off-white floss did smell nicely of vanilla as I stitched the flower. I had it about half-way done so it was pretty quick to finish up.  The backstitching wasn't as bad as I'd expected. There was a lot of it, though.
These buttons were a kit attached to a recent "Molly Makes" magazine (issue 7).  I didn't use their patterns, but made up some of my own. I wanted them to look like I'd cut them from old dresser scarves.  I used the fabric, threads and button forms from the kit and added the brown, ochre, and yellow flosses from my stash.
I found these sweet little hearts on the Purl Soho blog.  The center seam is actually an opening to a little pocket--a sweetie or two can be tucked inside.  Purl Soho used their beautiful wool felt; I stocked up on what is available--felt from Jo-Anns, with a skein of DMC variegated perle cotton.  They worked up quickly. I hope to make more before Valentine's Day. Every time I make a project with felt, I realize all over again how much I enjoy working with it. 

No matter how much I enjoy my "real" embroidery projects and feel I should devote what stitching time to them alone, I've realized I need the balance of quick, fun projects like this. I'll give them away, poof! they're gone, and I didn't learn anything new or improve my skills, but they add necessary sparks of color and fun to my days. The plain old joy of needle and thread.

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