Friday, February 10, 2012

More to show!

I'm on a roll with finishing things this week, mostly thanks to Lelia and my EGA chapter. On Tuesday night Lelia led a class in making these nifty mixed-media needlebooks. Her gift to each of us was a little tatted caterpillar or butterfly that she made. Her kits were awesome, with plenty of bits and pieces to play with. My dictionary page has "twinkle" and "twirl" on it.  (that's why I picked this kit)
I added some bits from my stash (the fortune cookie fortune and Italian stamp).
I added some embroidery after I got home, a bit of sparkle. A comment from World Embroideries prompted me to buttonhole stitch the edge. I happened to have the perfect color blue floss right there so it was quickly done. It was a really fun project. As it says--play!
Here's the whole outside cover. 
And here's the inside with the felt leaves for my needles.  It was done just in time for the Broken Needle Festival this week.  I didn't do anything (yet) with the bent and broken needles I'd saved. The week's been too busy for me to have any concrete thoughts about it.  I really enjoyed Plays with Needles post about what she did.
The other thing I did this week was to (try) to make a mari for stitching a temari with Homewood Guild in March. It's not very round but I think it's done. Perhaps a good roll around on the kitchen counter...


  1. The mari doesn't look too round at the moment, but I think it will be okay, otherwise, we will just wind some more thread on it. I like how your book turned out. I want to label my felt pages. I'm going to try to do it on my sewing machine, and that is what is holding me up on finishing it.

  2. Hello! I'm a new blogger/writer and I just added myself to your followers for support! Maybe you could come follow me too?
    Thanks so much!

  3. Love your needle book. Beautiful piece.
