Thursday, March 1, 2012

Works in Progress...

I'm plying the needle (or needles) again. It feels good.
I'm knitting a second pink hat.  I showed the first one done here. It was a bit small so I'm doing another for me. One side is done and the second side underway. This is a bit more designing on my part--how to make the cable section wider but not too much taller (it tapers to a point at the top) and how to pick up stitches on the new resized cable. It's been interesting. (hint--take a lot of notes as you go along!)
I put in a lot of hours on the mounds on my crewel piece. The wool thread looks much more brown in my lamp light when I'm stitching than it does in sunlight where I took this photo.
I made a second mari, using plastic bags as the foundation (on the left). I think I did better with this one. I also spent time rolling my first one on a hard surface to round it up a bit (it's still lumpy there on the right). 
Sorry for the bad photo. I worked a lot on my sudoku piece. I now have one square done in each nine-patch block.  My comfort zone would be to complete each row or nine-patch at a time, so I'm trying to be more flexible and jump around (the square in the upper left was completed as a class sample).


  1. Your mari look good! I have to get to winding too. I really like your sudoku... are you enjoying the stitching? I can't wait to get mine back on Tuesday.


  2. Love your pink had. Make sure you post a pic of you wearing it.
