Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Like many Americans, this is my favorite holiday, with a focus on family and recognizing the people and things in our lives that we are thankful for. 
Being thankful, of course, shouldn't be relegated to one day, and I think for most folks it isn't. But it's nice to really focus on it and not just alone but shared. 

A few years ago my Uncle Tom took me to visit Thanks Giving Square in Dallas. It was an amazing place. Check it out here. Definitely moves it out of the one-day-a-year category.

With that in mind, thank you all very much for taking the time to read my mumblings and look at my random pix. I appreciate it. 

I realized a week or so ago that I was dealing with depression. It kind of crept up on me this time and it's taking me a while to dig out. I'm still not stitching (very unusual). I think the focus on TV (no matter how good Montalbano is), was a mask for my mood. Things are looking brighter. Once I begin stitching again, I'll have things to show again.

I was helped some by getting out and about on Sunday. Hubby and I met my sister and her hubby and did fun things. First we visited Settler's Days at Sand Ridge Nature Center in Calumet City.
It was a mostly sunny and warm-for-November day. Above is an overview picture of various reenactors in costume and blue-jeaned visitors. Below is my hubby and his cousin Paul, a Master Gardner who volunteers at Sand Ridge. Paul's holding the husks of an empty cob of corn--he was demonstrating how to grind corn in a mortar and pestle. (harder than you'd think!)
Settler's Day covers a variety of periods and peoples (including a Native American woman who opens the day each year with a blessing). Generally one of the inside displays is a group of bobbin lace makers. (They were there this year, but had stepped out when I visited; their work was covered so I didn't get any pix.) There are soldiers of various era, a team of huskies with a very cute cart, candle makers, a blacksmith, a woman explaining about herbs and life in general when the area was settled. The brave could take a "wagon train" walk and test their wilderness skills.

After Sand Ridge we visited a collection of motorcycles with the Frankfort Car Club. The owner had two buildings of displays, motor cycles old and new (one with a store front display inspired by the Museum of Science and Industry's long time display, Yesterday's Main Street), with a good complement of motorized and pedal-power bicycles and memorabilia such as old gas pumps, too. Most anything on two (sometimes three) wheels.
This picture was taken in his "work bay" off one of the display rooms. There's space here to have five or six motorcycles in various stages of repair/restoration. It was very interesting. Mostly, though, it was a nice day to be outside and with family and friends. 

I wish everyone a lovely Thanksgiving holiday.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad your mood is lifting, Marjorie. I was amused at the picture with the corn husks. I would not have thought it remotely easy to grind them by hand.... wow... they must have had amazing arm muscles. I have an old American book in which it is recommended to use corn husks (or the outer leaves, Iguess this means) as (settler style) bathroom tissue! :)
