Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thanksgiving at the Zoo

We spent Thanksgiving at the zoo--something we did when we were a young married couple. We'd go with friends and then head home to our separate family celebrations or make our own, but we haven't done it for a while. The weather was perfect.
Brookfield Zoo is always crowded on Thanksgiving (Thursday is their free day). We were there midday so many of the animals were napping. The giraffes were elegant.
The bear playing in his sand pit.
We visited the new bear and wolf habitats and had fun looking at some of the hundreds of decorated trees that lined the walkways.
Here's hubby being silly with the Zoo's decked-out lions. 

I hope your holiday was as much fun.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful blog! I enjoy reading it and you have beautiful stitching!
