Friday, January 11, 2013

First finish for 2013!

I can't believe I have a project done already!
It's another project that was started quite a long time ago.  I'd been working along, a bit at a time, on this for the last couple of months, stitching leaves (endless leaves) and gave it a push over the weekend and finished it.
It all began with the beads, a gift from SJ Designs. I had an idea for a design to use as a model for marketing the beads. Ummm, this was like 20 years ago, I'd say. I picked the colors of perle cotton and then began struggling. I had a great idea, but once I tried putting it onto canvas, well, I didn't have the skill.  It sat for a long time.

Last summer I pulled it out and charted the needlepoint leaves and petals. I'd been trying to stitch a circle of leaves and petals just by stitching on the canvas with little planning. Boy, that did not work at all. I ripped more than I stitched. In the end I started over from scratch.

This is basically the original idea I had so long ago. Beyond the basic needlepoint, I had the idea for the detached leaves, but didn't know how to do them.  I can say I know how now, after making all of these leaves. There are a couple of rows to Turkey work between the petals and the center. I was going to cut it for fuzz, but I like the loops so I'm leaving it.

I also learned how to stitch the beads onto the center.  I strung them on a thread and couched them. My original plan had been to stitch them individually, and I tried it, but it was hard to keep a nice spiral. I was going to fill in the center with dark French knots but, again, decided I like it as is.  

It's on 18 count canvas and is about 4" to 5" across.


  1. Very nice finish...a nice mind vacation...makes me think of summer flowers in the middle of, albeit mild, winter.

  2. Little projects like this make me smile as soon as I see them. I don't know if it is the colour or the cutzy design. It is very grey here today so this brought a little sunshine to my morning.

    Couching is a great way to attach beads and your spiral looks perfect.

  3. Love your sunflower! The techniques work perfectly for it.

  4. Lovely stitching on your sunflower - its great when something comes together isn't it. Just browsing around, nice to have met you!

  5. AHAHA! I remember when you atarted this one, the Faux Tortoiseshell beads were brand new!
