Friday, January 18, 2013

Another finish

I finished the Surprise Baby Jacket (Elizabeth Zimmerman) in time to give to the mother-to-be before she began maternity leave. I had my doubts along the way and they continued up until I blocked it and stitched on the buttons. I always do with this pattern and in the end I always love it.

Otherwise, my stitching has been pretty lackluster.  I'm plugging along on my cross stitch, trying to work at least one length of thread an evening (and managing about half the time) and working on the endless cable scarf (mostly a doctor's office project).  The picture in the link is a skein and a half of yarn ago, so I should probably take a new one.  I realized scrolling back through the posts to find the links that I have a nearly completed lace washcloth that I've set aside somewhere. I should get it out this weekend and perhaps finish it.  A goal!  (I hope I can find it.)

 This is a holiday weekend for us.  Still no snow in Chicago but it's supposed to get chilly this weekend.  Stay warm!

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