Thursday, March 14, 2013


 Recent snows must have kept me in a Christmas mood. I completed another ornament.
 And finished a more springlike collage postcard.
 I recently found some recipes from my Aunt Addie, written by my mom. I think I kept them because of the handwriting--couldn't have been for the recipes. They're not things I'd be likely to make.  I collaged this one with a bit of map but it looked boring. I remembered some cording from my sister and added it--outside of the plastic cover, glued down well.  I think it helps.
 I stitched a bit more on my cross stitch project.
I haven't begun working on this yet--I just joined the ANG workshop by mail project and joined the Yahoo! group and printed out the pattern.  I knew I didn't have the fabric in my stash but I'd  thought that after collecting floss for the last 40 years or so, I'd have the floss. I did have the pearl cotton called for for the practice sampler and the pulled work. But I couldn't find a single skein of either the rose or the green floss.  Oh, Gee...I guess I'll have to go to the needlework store to buy some. I'm so very sad to have to make a trip there!  (We went yesterday!)

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